Simple take atleast 5 pictures and sumit on our website using our form and you will get a preliminary price quote within 24 – 48 hours.SHIP IT:
We’ll provide you with FREE UPS or USPS shipping label so you simply print and ship.GET PAID:
You get paid within 1-2 business days after we receive your item(s). No uncertainty and no consignment here: sell it now and get paid!Sell Designer Bags Texas
There are various websites that deal in purchasing pre-owned handbags but either they are scammers or they take your designer bag for a low price. Most of the times, the seller is not satisfied with the price quote, as it is not according to the seller’s expectation. In both cases, the seller struggles to sell designer bag for hard cash. Wouldn’t be great to have one specific online platform, where you can sell designer bags Texas for a reasonable price? All selling process under one roof, easy procedure for submitting your branded item and receiving payment for your pre-owned handbag. Read More Visit sell your bags, an online store, where you can sell your used bags for a reasonable price. If you got a vintage designer handbag then feel free to upload its images on our website via form given, and get your preliminary price quote in 24hours. We purchase Pre-loved designer handbags from all around the globe. We have been running this business for many years, and we have many satisfied sellers over the past years.
Sell your bags, is a premier online store for purchasing pre-owned designer bags. All items are first inspected by our team and then a price quote is generated and sent as feedback to our seller. If the seller agrees with the generated price quote, we provide free UPS or USPS shipping label so that the seller could simply print and ship his branded item. Now about the payment procedure, the seller receives the cash for his/her pre-owned handbag within 1-2 business days after our team receives seller’s item.
A process of submission, take at least 5 images of your designer bag and submit the form and within 24-48 hours you will get a preliminary price quote. If you agree with the price quote, send your product to us through free UPS or USPS shipping label provided by our team and you will receive your cash within 1-2 business days after we receive your item. So, if you want to sell designer bags Texas then feel free to upload your item’s images and get your price quote in no time.
Sell Designer Bags Texas Deals in the following Brands:
- Louis Vuitton: Louis Vuitton Malletier commonly referred to as LV. It’s a French fashion house and luxury retail company founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. So, if you are having a Louis Vuitton designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Chanel: Chanel is a privately held company owned by Alan Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer, grandsons of Pierre Wertheimer, who was an early business partner of the Couturière Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel. So, if you are having a Chanel designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Hermes: Hermes is known for its handmade luggage and Hermes handbags. So, if you are having a Hermes designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Burberry: Burberry is a British luxury fashion house in London, England. Its main fashion house focuses on trench coats which are widely distributed worldwide, and for which it is most famous. So, if you are having a Burberry designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Celine: Celine is a ready-to-wear and leather luxury goods brand that has been owned by LVMH group since 1996. It was founded in 1945 by Celine Vipiana. So, if you are having a Celine designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Miu Miu: It is an Italian fashion house of women’s clothing and accessory brand, and a fully owned subsidiary of Prada Company. It is headed by Miuccia Prada and managed in Milan, Italy. Its main headquarter is in Italy, where all the Miu Miu designer products are managed or handled. So, if you are having a Miu Miu designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Prada: Prada, is an Italian luxury fashion house, specializes in leather Prada handbags, travel accessories, Prada shoes, ready-to-wear designer items, fragrances, and other fashion accessories. The Company was founded in 1913 by Mario Prada. So, if you are having a Prada designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Yves Saint Laurent: Yves Saint Laurent was a French fashion designer. Born Yves Henri Donat Mathieu Saint Laurent, in Algeria, he was one of the greatest figures in French fashion in the 20th century. So, if you are having a Yves Saint Laurent designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Fendi: Fendi is an Italian luxury fashion house producing designer handbags, fur, ready-to-wear items, leather goods, shoes, perfumes, sunglasses, and accessories. Fendi was founded in 1925 in Rome, It is renowned for its fur and fur accessories. So, if you are having a Fendi designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Versace: Versace is an Italian luxury fashion house and trade name founded by Gianni Versace in 1978. So, if you are having a Versace designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Christian Dior: Christian Dior, commonly known as Dior, is a European brand of luxury goods, run by French businessman Bernard Arnault. Bernard Arnault also heads LVMH, the world’s largest luxury group. So, if you are having a Christian Dior designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Balenciaga: It is a luxury fashion house founded in Spain by Cristóbal Balenciaga, a designer born in the Basque Country, Spain. So, if you are having a Balenciaga designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Henri Bendel: Henri Bendel, established in 1895, it was a women’s accessories store based in New York City that sold the Henri Bendel brand of handbags, jewelry, luxury fashion accessories, home fragrances, and gifts. So, if you are having a Henri Bendel designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Alexander McQueen: It’s a British fashion designer and couturier. Alexander McQueen worked as chief designer at Givenchy from 1996 to 2001 and founded his own Alexander McQueen label in 1992. So, if you are having an Alexander McQueen designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Gucci: It is, an Italian luxury brand of fashion and leather goods. It was founded by Guccio Gucci in Florence in 1921. So, if you are having a Gucci designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Tom Ford: It is an American fashion designer, film director, screenwriter, and film producer. He launched his eponymous luxury brand in 2006, having previously served as the Creative Director at luxury fashion houses Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent. So, if you are having a Tom Ford designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time
- Goyard: Goyard is a French fashion company established in 1853 in Paris. Goyard started by manufacturing trunk and leather goods. So, if you are having a Goyard designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time.
- Christian Louboutin: A French fashion designer whose high-end stiletto footwear incorporates shiny, red-lacquered soles that have become his signature. So, if you are having a Christian Louboutin designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time
- Tiffany & Co.: An American luxury jewelry and specialty retailer, headquartered in New York City. Tiffany sells jewelry, sterling silver, china, crystal, stationery, fragrances, water bottles, watches, personal accessories, as well as some leather goods. So, if you are having a Tiffany & Co. designer handbag then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time