Simple take atleast 5 pictures and sumit on our website using our form and you will get a preliminary price quote within 24 – 48 hours.SHIP IT:
We’ll provide you with FREE UPS or USPS shipping label so you simply print and ship.GET PAID:
You get paid within 1-2 business days after we receive your item(s). No uncertainty and no consignment here: sell it now and get paid! In order to sell luxury bags, you have to search a lot on the internet to find the best place to sell handbags.Read More
But even if you find a website, you’re in doubt whether the site is trustworthy or not? I mean, you want to sell your designer handbag because you no longer need it or just want to upgrade your current designer bag. Whatever the reason is? You won’t be getting rid of your pre-owned designer handbag that easily because every site on the internet claims to give you the best price quote but either their procedure of item submission is difficult or their management services are poor. Seeing customer reviews are the best way to judge any website.
In the world of modern fashion, each and every brand is struggling to create a unique and top-selling product so that they could reach their potential customers and have more conversion in sales. The market for designer handbags is growing rapidly every year and can be classified on the basis of various factors which influence buying pattern and sales. But the biggest problem for a woman is to sell designer bags online because who doesn’t desire to sell their bag for cash? Instead of keeping your pre-owned handbag in the closet, why not sell handbags online at a reasonable price? By this, you can utilize your cash to buy a new designer handbag.
There are varieties of handbags which people can buy and use them. But don’t you think with the passage of time, your affection for your pre-owned designer handbag is getting less day by day? Or you are thinking of selling your pre-owned handbag, to buy a new branded designer bag. Sell luxury bags online is a big problem because, you don’t know your potential customer, who to sell or where to go and who to trust?
There are many websites which purchase pre-owned designer handbags, like Fashionphile. Fashionphile is a top-ranked website which purchase pre-owned designer handbag but their rating is 3.0 gold star rating out of 5, which are due to customer reviews. There is no best place to sell luxury bags because it depends upon the seller’s perspective, how he looks at things. If the price quote is according to his/her perspective, he would love to sell his pre-owned designer handbag.
In top-ranked websites, our website sellyourbags is also present which have 5.0 gold star rating, means we got 5/5 rating due to customer reviews. We have the simplest method of item submission and we even provide free shipping to our humble seller’s. Let’s discuss, what we really buy? You can sell designer bags on our site. Sellyourbags specializes in luxury handbags and accessories such as Versace, Hermes, Chanel, Celine, Tom Ford, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Henri Bendel, Christian Dior, Goyard, Fendi, Miu Miu and many more. Currently, we are dealing with 16 popular brands so far. So, if you got a designer handbag from any of the above-mentioned brands, which is mentioned on our website then feel free to submit its images and get your price quote.
You might be wondering, how to sell luxury bags on our website? All you have to do is take at least 5 images of your designer handbag and upload it with a form on our website. Within 24-48 hours you will get a preliminary price quote. If you are satisfied with the price quote, we’ll provide you with free UPS or USPS shipping label so you can simply print and ship your item to us. And you will get paid within 1-2 business days, you will receive your payment after our team receives your designer item.
Before submitting any designer item, please keep in mind, if you got a branded handbag which is not listed on our website then kindly don’t bother to submit because it will be refused by our team.
I hope you understood, how to sell luxury bags online? Feel free to contact us any time you like, our team is always available and ready to assist any seller online. So, if you are having a designer handbag from any one of the above-mentioned designer brands then feel free to submit your form along with 5 images of your item on our website and get your preliminary price quote for your branded item in no time. I promise you, you won’t regret our services.