Buying a Refurbished Louis Vuitton Bag | Buyer’s guide?

Buying a Refurbished Louis Vuitton Bag | Buyer’s guide?

Are Gently Used Designer Bags Worth The Money?

Have you ever wondered why refurbished Louis Vuitton bags are so much in demand? Think about it. Louis Vuitton handbags are nothing short of icons. They are the ultimate fashion accessory that everyone dreams of flaunting. After all, there’s a reason that the brand has continued to create waves since the late 1800s. That’s why it is necessary to know Buying a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag is like a pro.

Every single edition produced by the brand reeks of luxury. The designs are meticulously crafted with the immense value given to quality. Yes, the popularity of Louis Vuitton bags is truly unmatchable. Interestingly, all the bags they offer are handmade. When so much attention is paid to detail and quality, you can’t expect the bags to be available at a low price. The high cost of these LV bags renders them out of reach for many. And this is where the option of buying refurbished Louis Vuitton bags come to your rescue!

Why do refurbished LV bags have such high demand? Because these handbags are highly durable! They continue to look as good as new for a long time! And they don’t damage easily. The canvas is nearly indestructible, so you don’t have to be too cautious while handling one of these. So if you want to sell your bags for cash, you would find quite a huge market if the brand is Louis Vuitton.

Indeed, buying refurbished Louis Vuitton bags is a lucrative option. But there’s also the risk of being scammed. How do you ensure that the refurbished Louis Vuitton handbags are indeed authentic and you aren’t being taken for a ride? Can you really trust Louis Vuitton’s refurbish service?

Yes! Refurbished Louis Vuitton bags offer you a great deal, but you have to be careful. How to ensure that you don’t end up being scammed? We have just the answer!

All You Need To Know About Buying Refurbished Louis Vuitton Handbags

So you want to ensure that you don’t end up with a counterfeit in the guise of a Louis Vuitton refurbish claim? What are the things you should look out for? Let’s find out!

Authenticity Stamp

Even refurbished Louis Vuitton bags have authenticity stamps. No refurbishing service removes these stamps since they are proof that the bag is indeed the real thing.

So first things first, you need to authenticate the refurbished LV bags by looking at the stamps. The stamp will be pressed directly into the leather. Focus on the lettering to ensure that the seal isn’t fake.

Date Codes

Louis Vuitton bags typically have the date and location stamp featured on the inside of the bag. It will either be located inside an interior pocket as a small tab or underneath an interior flap.

The editions from the early 1980s have codes consisting of three or four numbers wherein the first two numbers represent the year, and the last numbers represent the month.

The coding format was changed in the mid-1980s, wherein two letters were added at the end of the code to indicate the manufacturing country.

The coding format was again modified in the 1990s as the code now contained the factory location in the beginning. The first and third numbers represented the month, and the second and fourth numbers represented the year.

So if you are buying second-hand luxury handbags, here’s what you need to do. Match the date code with the made-in stamp.

The Perfect Design

What’s the hallmark of Louis Vuitton handbags? The attention to detail! And every Louis Vuitton refurbishes attempt will retain this feature.

So when buying a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag, focus on its design. These bags will be incredibly well-made. After all, they are designed to last for decades. Hence, even if you buy one of these used handbags for sale, they will have their shape and posture maintained. These bags don’t slouch and are perfectly symmetrical without any odd proportions.

Yes, some of the older editions might develop patina depending on the material. But this will make the bag look slightly aged but excellent nonetheless.  And there’ll be no compromise on functionality.


No Louis Vuitton refurbishes service will interfere with its stitching. And that’s because Louis Vuitton bags are known for being hand-stitched. You will note that all stitches have a slight angle to them. This is an indication of the material being hand-stitched. The ones sewn by machine are straight.

However, keep in mind that every stitch will be even and symmetrical. Louis Vuitton bags don’t have any loose threads. The color of the thread is worth noting too. Since the aim of Louis Vuitton bags is to ensure durability in their bags, even the threads are coated with a special resin. This gives the thread a mustard yellow color that darkens with age.

When you buy refurbished LV bags, this is something that will tell you that the item is indeed authentic.


Why are people inclined to buy gently used designer bags? Because of their style, design, and quality! So naturally, when you look for a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag, this is something to focus on.

Distinct flower and LV logo pattern is a characteristic feature of Louis Vuitton bags. So if you are apprehensive about the item being counterfeit, The pattern can reveal it all. The patterns in Louis Vuitton bags are perfectly symmetrical and match the fabric. You will never find the seam running over the logo lettering in an authentic LV bag.

Additionally, Louis Vuitton bags are always manufactured using a single piece of leather. The logo on the front is right side up, while the one on the back is upside back. These little details are enough to tell you that you are buying a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag and not a copy.


Yes, even the hardware screams of quality even in a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag. After all, what good are second-hand luxury handbags if their quality isn’t retained?

Every single clasp and zipper in a Louis Vuitton bag will be of profound quality. Louis Vuitton uses brass for the hardware that does not discolor. Furthermore, the zippers carry the LV logo while the buttons to are stamped with Louis Vuitton.

How To Avoid Being Scammed While Buying A Refurbished Louis Vuitton Bag?

We have outlined every feature that every Louis Vuitton refurbish service will retain. So you can easily determine when you are being given the real thing. However, you would be surprised how easily people get away with selling counterfeits while claiming to offer used handbags for sale. They know how to make people believe that they indeed have refurbished designer bags instead of fake ones. Here are some mistakes that people make all too often and should be avoided when buying a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag.

If It Sounds Too Good To Be True, It’s Probably False!

Most Louis Vuitton bags are classics and remain in the collection for a long. Indeed if today you decide I want to sell my Louis Vuitton bag, you will instantly get many offers. This is because these bags never run out of style.

But here’s what you should remember. Never buy even a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag if you think it’s too lowly priced. Yes, refurbished LV bags are available at good deals. But if you feel the deal is a bit too good to be believable, consider it a red herring.

Always Trust A Reliable Website

Most people buy a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag online. And why not? It’s a pretty convenient option. But not every website can be trusted to provide you with second-hand luxury handbags. Quite a lot of these scam people too. So you need to be careful.

Do adequate research to ensure that the place you are using to buy the refurbished Louis Vuitton bag is indeed reliable. Sell Your Bags is an excellent example. They authenticate every designer bag that comes to them for sale. Hence you can be assured that you are indeed buying the real thing. And that too at excellent prices!

Be Sure That The Bag Is Real

We have already mentioned everything that you need to take into account while buying a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag. Focus on all the details and if you have any inhibitions, avoid spending on gently used handbags. After all, you wouldn’t want to be disappointed when you are delivered the wrong item!

It’s Time To Buy Your Dream Bag!

Yes, the option of buying a refurbished Louis Vuitton bag takes you closer to your dream of owning a luxury handbag.

Want to know the best part of the Louis Vuitton refurbish option? The brand is known for its durability, so a bit of touch here and there makes the item look as good as new! Indeed, if you are interested in refurbished designer bags, Louis Vuitton is among the best brands for this purpose!

A bit of caution is all that’s needed. Do your homework and make sure that you deal with a reputable site. And you will easily be able to find refurbished LV bags that you will be able to use for a long time to come! 

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